Healthcare Truth-Seekers
Bolstering a Mission to Advance Health and Wellness for All
- Created a new emotionally oriented brand promise, mission, and values
- Designed a bold new identity and impactful graphic system
- Coordinated a company-wide, cross-continent brand launch
- Redesigned a new website and created ongoing campaigns
Emids is a leading healthcare software organization working at the intersection of design, engineering, and healthcare domain expertise. Shifting market needs, a growing set of capabilities, and a series of acquisitions required Emids to reevaluate its brand to attract and engage new clients and employees.
Beginning with a comprehensive evaluation of the brand, stakeholder interviews, and a review of the competitive landscape, MBLM developed a brand promise focused on a new emotive orientation. Portraying a bold yet nimble capable of leading and disrupting, the new promise shifted the brand towards its future orientation while addressing gaps in perception and differentiating against larger, more bureaucratic companies of scale.

To complement this new positioning, MBLM designed a new brand identity that captured the company’s agility, creativity, and partnership. The new design system further expanded these themes through imagery, secondary graphics, type, colors, and layouts that visually communicated how Emids digs deeper to uncover the fundamental truths in healthcare.
A flexible design motif consisting of multiple overlapping components that move and scale was combined with data-driven imagery, vibrant colors, and modern sans serif typography to create a visually arresting appearance. These foundational brand elements were codified and disseminated using MBLM’s next-generation brand management software, BrandOS, providing a central place to organize and govern the brand for a distributed multinational team.

A comprehensive website redesign process followed, translating Emids’ distinctive approach to design-led engineering into navigation and page layouts using the concept of “Ideas Built to Scale.”
MBLM designed a modern and responsive user interface using modular design patterns that could be easily expanded upon by the client team and captured the spirit of the brand’s design system through powerful datascape illustrations and photography treatments to communicate a forward-thinking company. Detailed prototypes of the full web experience, a comprehensive UI kit, and a kit of typical layouts guided Emids’ internal development team through programming and implementation.

To rally the company around this new orientation and momentous occasion, MBLM planned and executed a company-wide launch event sequence that leveraged Emids’ founding day to amplify impact. Materials leading up to the event provided brand training, quizzes, and insights into the business’ ongoing priorities, generating anticipation.
The event was simulcast across the organization’s geographies, with new presentation and video content revealing the brand, and custom swag delivered to every employee to create excitement. The launch was then cascaded into a series of internal initiatives to align teams to the new mission and values, a talent campaign to attract new employees, and an external campaign to improve brand awareness.