Rebrand or Merger Naming
When a company is refreshing its brand or repositioning itself, it might want to change its name to reflect this change. We have the expertise to determine what the right move is.
In times of rapid economic change, mergers and acquisitions and strategy adjustments become necessary tactics for the growth or survival of many brands. When a company commits to refreshing its brand, joins another organization or repositions itself for any reason, the first question that very often arises is how to give the brand a suitable new name that will encourage new progress and expansion without diminishing existing brand equity (if it exists and is worth maintaining). Several strategies must be considered in order to come up with a suitable answer, as well as to understand the new ambitions and goals of the merger/rebrand. The secret is to maximize the benefit of the merger or refresh while not confusing customers or losing their recognition of you or their loyalty to you—and we know just how to do that.
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