User Interface Design
We create compelling, engaging, and vibrant experiences that meet channel or device requirements while pushing the boundaries of digital experience.
We orchestrate content, navigation, and interactive elements to make the user experience as simple, engaging, intuitive, and efficient as possible. Whether touch or click, responsive or mobile-first, our designs provide the right mix of aesthetic power and technical efficiency. Our teams create user interface design patterns that are proprietary to the brand and provide recurring solutions to common design problems. These include gathering user input through forms, navigating the site or the page, dealing with large amounts of content or data in tables and lists, browsing, searching, and filtering. We use principles such as anchoring, chunking, and progressive disclosure to positively affect user attention, comprehension, and retention. In order to design, develop, and deploy rapidly in today’s environments, we use frameworks such as Bootstrap, for which we create GUI kits when we do not create our own pattern libraries. Subtle animations that support interaction and compelling creative features grab attention and provide users with memorable experiences and positive brand associations.